Annamina Rieder, Ph.D.

Annamina Rieder, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Management Information Systems
Simon Fraser University
Beedie School of Business
8888 University Drive
Burnaby, British Columbia
V5A 1S6, Canada
Date of Birth:
March 27th, 1994
Hello! I'm Annamina
Welcome to my professional website!
I am an Assistant Professor of Management Information Systems at the Beedie School of Business at Simon Fraser University in Canada. Originally from Switzerland, I have chosen to trade in cheese for seafood, cows for bears, and the Alps for the Canadian Rockies. With a comprehensive educational background that includes B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees in Management from the renowned University of St.Gallen, Switzerland, along with the completion of my postdoc program, I am dedicated to making significant contributions in my field.
My research focuses on technology for humanity, with a particular emphasis on IT use and persuasive design. My core topics include effective use of IT, digital nudging, and IT affordances. I am dedicated to investigating these subjects within the domains of health, sustainability, and social media. My work has been published in renowned peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings.
With extensive experience in education, I have had the privilege of teaching courses on digital transformation, IT strategy, IT design and use, research methodology, and digital nudging in various programs, including undergraduate, MBA, and executive education programs at Simon Fraser University in Canada, the University of St.Gallen in Switzerland, and Hasso Plattner Institute in Germany.
In addition to my academic pursuits, I provide advisory services to diverse organizations, including sustainability startups, government agencies, and multinational corporations, guiding them on the effective and ethical utilization of digital nudges and persuasive systems. During my leisure time, you will often find me in the outdoors rock or ice climbing, and conquering lofty mountain peaks.

since 2023
Assistant Professor
Beedie School of Business
Burnaby / Vancouver, Canada
2021 - 2023
Postdoctoral Researcher
Institute of Information Management
School of Management
St. Gallen, Switzerland
2021 / 2022
Visiting Scholar
Department of Digitalization
Frederiksberg, Denmark
2018 - 2021
Research Associate
Institute of Information Management
School of Management
St. Gallen, Switzerland
2018 - 2021
Ph.D. in Management
summa cum laude
Visiting Ph.D. Student
2016 - 2018
Master in Business Innovation
Bachelor in Business Administration
2013 - 2016
Bachelor in Business Administration
Researching Technology for Humanity
As a society, we are currently confronted with a range of existential challenges, including the decline in public health and the pressing issue of climate change. However, IT has the potential to help us overcome these challenges or at least to alleviate some of their negative effects. Through my research on technology for humanity, I am dedicated to expanding our understanding of how we can leverage IT to benefit society as a whole.
My core research areas revolve around the effective use of IT, agency, digital nudging, and IT affordances. I am particularly interested in exploring these topics within three crucial domains which bear a high potential for humanistic impact: digital health, sustainability, and social media. By focusing on these areas, I aim to uncover the ways in which IT can contribute to healthier lifestyles, sustainable practices, and meaningful, interactions in our digital communities unimpeded by technological limitations and malicious behavior.
In my research, I employ a variety of methodologies: I rely on qualitative methods, agent-based modeling, design science research, and field experiments to explore the dynamics of IT use and user behavior.

Digital Health
My work on digital health revolves around research projects that explore the effectiveness and unintended effects of persuasive technology for health promotion, with a specific emphasis on wearable self-tracking devices. Additionally, I engage in research on digital tools for blended psychotherapy.

My work on sustainability focuses on the design of systems that promote sustainable behaviors among individuals. In industry collaborations, we develop and evaluate the effectiveness of sustainability support systems and digital nudges in the home energy context to encourage sustainable resource use.

Social Media
My work on social media focuses on malicious behavior on networks like Twitter and proposes strategies to mitigate its detrimental effects. Additionally, I study the transformative impact of matchmaking platforms, exploring algorithmic interactions and platform engagement.
Current Projects
Misinformation propagation
Collaborators: Saurav Chakraborty (University of Louisville, USA), Sandeep Goyal (University of Louisville, USA)
User engagement on dating platforms
Collaborators: Fumi Kurihara (University of St.Gallen, Switzerland), Ioanna Constantiou (Copenhagen Business School, Denmark)
Nudging for sustainable behavior
Collaborators: Vincent Beermann (Hasso Plattner Institute, Germany), Jan vom Brocke (University of Münster, Germany), Falk Uebernickel (Hasso Plattner Institute, Germany)
Blended therapy solutions
Collaborators: Ekaterina Jussupow (Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany), Fumi Kurihara (University of St.Gallen, Switzerland)
Wearables for health behavior change
Collaborators: Christiane Lehrer (Copenhagen Business School, Denmark), Yeliz Eseryel (East Carolina University, USA), Reinhard Jung (University of St.Gallen, Switzerland), Harri Oinas-Kukkonen (University of Oulu, Finland)
Selected Academic Publications
Rieder, A., Chakraborty, S., Goyal, S., & Berndt, D. (2024). A critical realist approach to agent-based modeling: Unlocking prediction in non-positivist paradigms. Journal of Information Technology.
Jussupow, E., Kurihara, F., Rieder, A., & Schueckes, M. (2024). Forming professional and IT identities: A longitudinal case study of using an information system for blended psychotherapy. Proeedings of the 45th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Bangkok, Thailand.
Rieder, A., Chakraborty, S., Goyal, S., Onuchowska, A., & Berndt, D. (2024). Freedom of speech or freedom of reach? Strategies for mitigating malicious behavior in online social networks. Decision Support Systems 182, 114235.
(Shared first-author with S. Chakraborty and S. Goyal; listed alphabetically on paper)
*Beermann, V., Rieder, A., Uebernickel, F., & vom Brocke, J. (2024). Disentangling the problem space: A validated problem statement for sustainability support systems. Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology (DESRIST), Trollhättan, Sweden.
Haki, K., Rieder, A., Buchmann, L., & Schneider, A.W. (2023). Digital nudging for technical debt management at Credit Suisse. European Journal of Information Systems 32(1), 64–80.
*Beermann, V., & Rieder, A. (2023). Algorithmic nudging to save resources: Proposal of a longitudinal field experiment. Proceedings of the 31st European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Kristiansand, Norway.
*Beermann, V., Rieder, A., & Uebernickel, F. (2022). Green nudges: how to induce pro-environmental behavior using technology. Proceedings of the 43rd International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Copenhagen, Denmark.
*Beermann, V., Rieder, A., Ebbers, M., Bicker, K., Poerschke, V, & Uebernickel, F. (2022). Loss aversion nudges to improve heating behaviors and reduce carbon emissions. Proceedings of the 82nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Minneapolis, USA. AOM best paper award
*Schabert, K., Raschle, L., Fredholm, A., Pedrazzoli, L., Settelen, G., Rieder, A., & Jung, R. (2022). Backfiring of digital nudges: experimental study on reactance with scarcity nudges [German original title: Backfiring von Digital Nudges: Experimentelle Studie zur Reaktanz durch Scarcity- Nudges]. Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik, Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany.
Rieder, A., Eseryel, U.Y., Lehrer, C., & Jung, R. (2021). Why users comply with wearables: the role of contextual self-efficacy in behavioral change. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction 37(3), 281–294.
Lehrer, C., Eseryel, U.Y., Rieder, A., & Jung, R. (2021). Behavior change through wearables: the interplay between self-leadership and IT-based leadership. Electronic Markets 31(4), 747–764.
Rieder, A., Lehrer, C., Eseryel, U.Y., & Jung, R. (2021). The generative mechanisms behind technology-enabled health behavior change. Proceedings of the 29th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), virtual conference.
Rieder, A., Vuckic, S., Schache, K., & Jung, R. (2020). Technostress from persuasion: wearable users’ stressors strains, and coping. Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), virtual conference.
Rieder, A., Lehrer, C., & Jung, R. (2020). Affordances and behavioral outcomes of wearable use. Proceedings of the 28th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), virtual conference.
Rieder, A., & Rhyn, M. (2020). Situational self-efficacy and behavioral responses to wearable use. Proceedings of the 28th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), virtual conference.
Rieder, A., & Jung, R. (2020). Are wearables the key to personal health? [German original title: Wearables als Schlüssel zur individuellen Gesundheit?]. Controlling 32 (5), 4–10.
Rieder, A., Woerner, W., & Jung, R. (2020). Technology adoption with a gentle poke: How to systematically design digital nudges [German original title: Mit einem kleinen Schubs zur Technologieadoption: Digitale Nudges systematisch designen]. Controlling 32, 114–119.
Rieder, A., Lehrer, C., & Jung, R. (2019). How behavior change support systems influence self-efficacy: a qualitative study using wearables. Proceedings of the 27th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Stockholm, Sweden.
Rieder, A., Lehrer, C., & Jung, R. (2019). Understanding the habitual use of wearable activity trackers. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik, Siegen, Germany, pp. 1002–1016.
Mirsch, T., Jung, R., Rieder, A., & Lehrer, C. (2018). Improving user experience and organizational success through digital nudging [German original title: Mit Digital Nudging Nutzererlebnisse verbessern und den Unternehmenserfolg steigern]. Controlling 30(5), 12–18.
(* Publications by Ph.D. and master’s students)

BUS 468: Managing Information Technology for Business Value (Simon Fraser University)
7,025 IC: Digital Nudging (University of St.Gallen)
8,033 IC: User Behavior (University of St.Gallen)
Executive Education
BUS 621: Information Technology and Organizational Transformation (EMBA, Simon Fraser University)
Digital Nudging: Executive MBA in Business Engineering; Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) in Digital Innovation and Business Transformation; Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) Innovation and Information Technology (University of St.Gallen)
Customized in-house programs (Hasso Plattner Institute)
Track Chair
European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS):
Cognition and Human Behavior in IS Track (2024, 2025) -
Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS):
Intelligent Technologies for a Better Future Mini Track (2025)
Associate Editor
International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS):
Digital Strategy and Transformation (2025)
IT Implementation and Adoption (2024)
Conference Theme Track (2023)
User Behavior, Engagement, and Consequences Track (2022) -
European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS):
Cognition and Human Behavior in IS Track (2022, 2023)
Journal of the Association for Information Systems
European Journal of Information Systems
International Journal of Medical Informatics
Electronic Markets
Information Systems
International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction
Information Systems Frontiers
Business & Information Systems Engineering
Journal of Service Management Research (Best Reviewer 2024)
International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS)
European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS)
Hawaii Conference on Systems Sciences (HICSS)
International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology (DESRIST)
Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS)
International Workshop on Behavior Change Support Systems
International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI)
Mentorship Programs
HICSS Junior Faculty Consortium 2025
AIS Career Mentoring Program 2024
MISQ Scholarly Development Academy 2022
ECIS Doctoral Consortium 2020
ICIS Doctoral Consortium 2019